Question: 1 / 110

What must be the minimum height above grade for exit terminals of mechanical draft systems?

In the same story

Not over 10 feet from the vent

Not less than 7 feet above grade

The minimum height above grade for exit terminals of mechanical draft systems needs to be not less than 7 feet above grade to ensure safety and compliance with building and plumbing codes. This height is important as it helps to prevent the situation where exhaust gases can accumulate or be re-entrained into the mechanical draft system from nearby structures, vehicles, or pedestrian traffic. Maintaining this height aids in promoting proper ventilation and exhaust dispersal, minimizing any potential risk to public health or safety.

The height requirement helps to ensure that vented gases rise away from lower elevations where people and vehicles may be present, significantly reducing the chance for harmful substances to enter occupied spaces or interfere with everyday activities. This standard is also in alignment with broader safety regulations aimed at protecting the public and maintaining air quality.

Not over 20 feet from the vent


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